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The true name of Seth (Ezeana) is Satanael (Osatanaelu or “god of the earth from above”).8 The word “Seth” is not even Hebrew. Scholars shy away from the true name of Seth as Satanael because it is close to the name of Satan.

But there is a marked difference in the two names. Whereas Seth, as Satanael, is the authorized “god of the earth from above”, the Devil Is Satan (Osatana or “god of the earth”) is the unauthorized power – the “heavenly outcast”, who forced his way into the possession of the earth that God had allotted to Adam as inheritance.
Satan accomplished this soul-damning feat by drawing Adam into the flesh through sin. People who are not aware that the human body is a mere vessel that houses either the spiritual soul (righteous soul) or material soul (common soul) will find it hard to believe the pre-mortal existence of Abraham before he was eventually born on earth through a human mother (Emetelayi) and father (Ideara).
It is true that all human beings descended from Adam, but not all human beings have spiritual souls with the “indwelling chi”, the divine principle. It is for the same reason that the Bible teaches, “Not all who descended from Israel are Israel.” (Romans 9:6) Now, those covetous Christians who claim that God has replaced the children of Israel with them will have their own understanding, but only the souls sent to the earth through the priestly lineage of Seth (Ezeana) are the spiritual souls. The spiritual soul of the “Ancient People” is the difference between the Hebrew and the Gentile, and it is also one of the reasons why the Israelites are referred to as a Holy Race.
the term “pre-ordained souls” identifies the souls of the “holy race” -- the souls that were with God before creation. These are the souls of the Hebrew race, the Ancient people established by God. They are the generation that came down to the
earth in whom “chi”, the “divine principle,” is indwelling. It is remarkable also that the earlier Igbo had said, “It is impossible to tell the Igbo story because Igbo are spirits“, and in the same manner,
God says, “… I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people…”
(Isaiah 44:7). In some versions of the Bible, this ancient people are called “eternal people” instead. With regard to the righteous souls, R.H. Charles says that “Bereshit rabba” teaches: “God takes counsel with the souls of the righteous before he created the earth.

By: Eugene Akannam.... the book  before the convenant

The true name of Seth (Ezeana) is Satanael (Osatanaelu or “god of the earth from above”).8 The word “Seth” is not even Hebrew. Scholars shy away from the true name of Seth as Satanael because it is close to the name of Satan.
But there is a marked difference in the two names. Whereas Seth, as Satanael, is the authorized “god of the earth from above”, the Devil Is Satan (Osatana or “god of the earth”) is the unauthorized power – the “heavenly outcast”, who forced his way into the possession of the earth that God had allotted to Adam as inheritance.
Satan accomplished this soul-damning feat by drawing Adam into the flesh through sin. People who are not aware that the human body is a mere vessel that houses either the spiritual soul (righteous soul) or material soul (common soul) will find it hard to believe the pre-mortal existence of Abraham before he was eventually born on earth through a human mother (Emetelayi) and father (Ideara).
It is true that all human beings descended from Adam, but not all human beings have spiritual souls with the “indwelling chi”, the divine principle. It is for the same reason that the Bible teaches, “Not all who descended from Israel are Israel.” (Romans 9:6) Now, those covetous Christians who claim that God has replaced the children of Israel with them will have their own understanding, but only the souls sent to the earth through the priestly lineage of Seth (Ezeana) are the spiritual souls. The spiritual soul of the “Ancient People” is the difference between the Hebrew and the Gentile, and it is also one of the reasons why the Israelites are referred to as a Holy Race.
the term “pre-ordained souls” identifies the souls of the “holy race” -- the souls that were with God before creation. These are the souls of the Hebrew race, the Ancient people established by God. They are the generation that came down to the
earth in whom “chi”, the “divine principle,” is indwelling. It is remarkable also that the earlier Igbo had said, “It is impossible to tell the Igbo story because Igbo are spirits“, and in the same manner,
God says, “… I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me? Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people…”
(Isaiah 44:7). In some versions of the Bible, this ancient people are called “eternal people” instead. With regard to the righteous souls, R.H. Charles says that “Bereshit rabba” teaches: “God takes counsel with the souls of the righteous before he createD the earth.
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